Programs & Services
postural assessement
Postural assessement is an important factor in sports. We at Fitman Fitness make sure the inter-relationship between the trunk and your core muscules and the lower quarter and upper quarter are well aligned. If not, we will make sure to suggest routines and excercise that will bring you back in the right shape and posture.
body fat calculation
Gone are the days when body fat percentage would be measured with a measuring tape around your waist and calcuting on a note pad. We at Fitman Fitness make use of state-of-the-art devices to gauge your body fat percentage. And we are cheap in giving you the service!
Personal training
Our 1-on-1 personal training session starts with an orientation of the program and based on the fitness objective of the trainee. Our certified trainers will establish the foundation for your fitness journey from day one. Your personal training will include a full-body workout, motivation , emotional support, education, diet plan and expert fitness instruction.
bmr calculation
We make sure we build a solid foundation and reason to justify before we make you jump into a specific workout routine. Our BMR Calculation will just do the job. Gone are the days, when it was considered an expensive analysis, we will do it within a budget way too lower than the value for it.
With five essential fitness routines, the challenges to be taken are limitless and the boundaries of personal goals are endless at Fitman Fitness Clubs.
Strength training
Our strength training routines are based on your fitness objective. From beginner to professional body building and strength conditioning, our trainers will guide you to achieve the best out of your abilities. We give our members an ambiance that hits adrenaline and drive motivation.
Circuit training
Circuit routine is our signature programs and is exclusive to women who are keen on loosing weight and want to get back in shape. Our circuit arena is located in our ladies exclusive branch of Fitman Ftiness Ladies Club and is designed specifically for women to overcome weight loss barriers.
Our dynamic aerobic workout routine with spiraling sequencing and high intensity arts will rapidly build up your muscle memory. Get an incredible total body workout and connect the movement in an utterly new way. Our trainers will make sure you burn them calories.
Our yoga trainer will ensure you maintain the right posture and technique to reap optimum results. From beginning to intermediate training, our trainers will make sure you synchronize your body and mind. At the end of it, it is an experience that has life changing impact.
Martial Arts & self defense
Our Martial Arts trainer is 4th Dan Black Belt in Taekwan-do. Our techniques are street driven and we create real life metaphors in our routines to make sure the our members get the best out of training. Of course, a solid foundation in discipline is built beforehand.
Your First 3 Classes are on Us
Gym H0urs
Monday-Saturday: 4pm – 10pm