by fitmanfitnessclub | Sep 1, 2023 | Supplements
The average adult body contains about 1200 grams of calcium, 99% of which is present in the skeleton. Primarily calcium is found in the skeleton as calcium phosphate. It also occurs in the body in it’s free ionic state as well as calcium carbonate. Functions... by fitmanfitnessclub | Aug 16, 2023 | Supplements
Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that influences several metabolic factors important to athletes. Arginine is most famous for it’s role in the stimulation of human growth hormone (Somatotropin). Potential benefits of increased growth hormone levels include... by fitmanfitnessclub | Jun 16, 2023 | Supplements
Connective tissues are widespread tissues in the body and serve to connect and support. For example, connective tissue joins other tissues to each other, muscle to bone and bone to bone. Some connective tissues have the consistency of soft gels which are firm... by fitmanfitnessclub | Jun 12, 2023 | Supplements
CREATINE MONOHYDRATE Creatine is manufactured in the body and is present in food like meat and fish.One pound of raw steak has about 2 grams of creatine. However, cooking will convert the creatine into creatinine, which is quickly excreted from the kidneys. In the...
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