Home Remedies To Manage Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an essential lipid found in your body which is necessary for survival. The body needs it to perform several important functions like helping in the production of bile in your liver, which is essential for the digestion of food, assisting in producing...

L-Arginine: It’s Functions & Benefits

Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that influences several metabolic factors important to athletes. Arginine is most famous for it’s role in the stimulation of human growth hormone (Somatotropin). Potential benefits of increased growth hormone levels include...

What Causes Wrinkles?

Scientists appear to agree on a single most important reason of the appearance of wrinkles on the skin with age and that is from photo damage. Ultra Violet rays from the sun cause thermal damage to our skin over a period of time. Dermatologists also reveal other...

Human Growth: Through The Years

Four important parameters of human growth are : Height Weight Muscles Brain & Nervous system Today we will discuss the changes taking place in a humans life-long journey from pre-birth to old age.   STAGE 1: PRENATAL Do you know that human growth is more...