The average adult body contains about 1200 grams of calcium, 99% of which is present in the skeleton. Primarily calcium is found in the skeleton as calcium phosphate. It also occurs in the body in it’s free ionic state as well as calcium carbonate.

Functions include:

  • Bone formation
  • Nerve conduction and transmission of nerve impulses
  • Muscle contraction
  • Normal heartbeat
  • Blood clotting
  • Controlling blood pressure in some individuals
  • Increased membrane permeability


Deficiency Impacts include:

  • Poor bone formation
  • Muscle cramping
  • Reduced energy levels
  • Severe deficiency leads to Osteoporosis


Impacts of excess calcium intake include:

  • Minor side effects like constipation
  • Prolonged high calcium intake increases risk of urinary stone formation

Food Sources include:

  • Diary products like milk, cheese, ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Vegetable sources are broccoli, kale, collards.
  • Sea food sources are oysters, shrimp, salmon etc.


Supplements forms are:

  • Calcium carbonate
  • Calcium citrate
  • Calcium malate
  • Calcium glycinate


Performance Daily Intake for Athletes is:

  • Calcium: 1200 mg to 2600 mg