Safety and precaution is needed in all weight training exercises including machines and free weights. All exercises should be performed properly using correct form and technique. Lower back area is the most common vulnerable point in an athlete’s body. Injury to this area can permanently end the career of some athletes. In order to avoid back injury, I have devised the following important ” principles ” when lifting weights in the gym or at home:
1. First of all, keep the back straight and head level when picking up a weight from the ground.
2. Keep the weight close to the body when lifting. This helps to lift the weight with the legs and hips rather than the back.
3. The muscles in your legs and buttocks region are the body’s strongest while the muscles surrounding your spine are small and vulnerable to excessive pressure.
4. Lift the weight smoothly from the ground without jerking.
5. Do not twist the torso when lifting a weight. This puts abnormal pressure on spinal muscles and discs.
6. Do not talk to someone when you are about to lift, it creates distraction and leads to injury. Stay focused.
7. Do not lift when you are tired so you can still use proper lifting technique.
8. When using weight machines, adjust them to support your spine properly.
9. Always keep an experienced spotter for assistance when lifting heavier weights.
10. Last important tip is to strengthen your core muscles before moving to heavier weights as this is the best possible defense against lower back injury.
Good luck with your fitness lifestyle and healthy diet journey!
About the Author:
Muhammad Najib is an internationally certified Personal Trainer who also specializes in Sports Nutrition, Sports Conditioning, Corrective Exercise and Performance Enhancement.
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