Connective tissues are widespread tissues in the body and serve to connect and support. For example, connective tissue joins other tissues to each other, muscle to bone and bone to bone. Some connective tissues have the consistency of soft gels which are firm but flexible, while others are hard, tough and rigid. The four main types of connective tissues that are of importance to athletes are:

  • Cartilage
  • Bone
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments

Due to the nature of connective tissue, you can appreciate that damage to this tissues a serious occurrence. Since connective tissues consist of only a few cells and mostly non-living matrix, they have a very limited capacity to regenerate themselves. This is one reason why tendon and ligament injuries often need surgery for repair.

Proper strength training and nutrition can help build strong connective tissues that will become more resistant to injury. One useful therapy that has been well documented in the research literature is the supplemental use of glucosamine. Glucosamine is the single most important substance in the synthesis of connective tissue.

Scientists have long known that simply ingesting purified glucosamine from connective tissue allows the body to by-pass the critical rate-limiting step of converting glucose to glucosamine. Glucosamine as a supplement clearly aids in connective tissue synthesis and all athletes need such substance for the repair and growth of connective tissue.

About the Author: 

Muhammad Najib is an internationally certified Personal Trainer who also specializes in Sports Nutrition, Sports Conditioning, Corrective Exercise and Performance Enhancement.  

He worked with various reputable gym chains across the UK and is registered with the UK Register of Exercise Professionals as Advanced Fitness Instructor and Level 3 Personal Trainer.
In Pakistan he operates a gym chain by the name of Fitman Fitness Club.
